Tied Up in Strings: How Internal Tension Moves Your Character

Imagine for a moment everything your character cares about—Love, Friendship, Family, Country, Ideals, Religion, Tradition, Self, and Things More Specific—as a string, wrapped around your character. The more your character cares about that thing, the tighter that string is pulled—the more tension on the line. The more strings? The more interesting it gets.   Tension […]

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Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Value of Positive Critique

Critique is the part where you tell an author everything they did wrong, right? Yes, absolutely! You need people who will tell you about the lipstick on your teeth, or that your skirt—while very fetching—has been tucked into your underwear since noon, preferably before you go out to lunch. But critique is also the part […]

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How to Critique a Book

Critiquing a book isn’t so much about telling someone what they’re doing wrong, but helping them see their book better. This means not only telling the author when I think something’s not working, but also when I think they’re doing something right, and more importantly, why. This helps the author to really see their book […]

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Seven Things I Love About Post-Apocalyptic Fiction

I love post-apocalyptic fiction. Especially when the apocalypse is recent. Let me count the ways: 1. Post-Apocalyptic Bloomer. When I was a kid, I learned cartography. And I was damned good at it. I could give directions on the fly using paper maps for just about anyone, fast enough for the driver to make the turns, […]

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What Dance Taught Me About Writer’s Block

Anyone who knows me knows I love to dance. And dancing, for me, has always meant learning new and fun choreography. Until recently. This year, I started taking classes at a studio that emphasizes learning to freestyle. In these classes, we all start out dancing together, but in the end, we each pick out one […]

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Be the Moderator’s Favorite: 10 Tips for Panelists

The Gen Con Writer’s Symposium is a hidden gem of the yearly Indianapolis gaming convention, with over 200 hours of programming and an amazing list of authors and editors and other publishing types. This year, I had the honor of moderating a few of the panels—and in doing so I had some thoughts. Here are […]

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Making Monsters Scary

For my current project, I’m thinking a lot about monsters. Scary monsters, rather than Monsters University types. And what I found, to my surprise, is that very few of the monsters I came across in my research into were actually scary to me. Like, they might be scary-adjacent—as in, yeah, I’d run away if I […]

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