About Susan

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Picture of pink-haired white woman in white shirt with loose tie, hints of a tattoo peaking out of her shirt, writing with a fountain pen in a journal.
Photo by Daniel Stark

Susan J. Morris is a fantasy author best known for her Harker & Moriarty novels, including Strange Beasts and its sequel, Wayward Souls. Before succumbing to books entirely, Susan worked as a novels editor at Wizards of the Coast, ran workshops for Clarion West, and penned a popular writing-advice column—all of which, she is coming to realize, are more or less books. Susan makes her home in the rainy Pacific Northwest with her partner, her cats, and entirely too many plants. Find her online at susanjmorris.com.

Susan J. Morris is represented by Jennifer Azantian of Azantian Literary Agency.

Looking for a Press Kit? Look no further: Media Kit

Looking for writing advice? Susan’s favorite books on writing are The Art of Fiction (John Gardner; good for beginning writers), and Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative Fiction (Jane Alison; good for advanced writers.)

She also highly recommends Writing Excuses podcast, for incisive 15-minute segments on a variety of topics.

Media I’m Rabid For:

Books: Circe, (Madeline Miller); The Luminous Dead (Caitlin Starling); Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)

Movies: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Miyazaki); Pan’s Labyrinth (del Toro)

Games: Hades, Oxenfree, Baldur’s Gate

Podcasts: The Magnus Archives; Lore; Noble Blood; Blúiríní Béaloidis

TV Shows: Arcane; The Witcher; The Mandalorian


Strange Beasts Cover Art Conversation (Exclusive for Inky Phoenix members)
Strange Beasts Editorial Conversation (Exclusive for Inky Phoenix members)
Meet our First Inky Phoenix Press Author: Susan J. Morris
Writing Excuses: Being a Good Panelist and a Great Moderator
Gen Con Writer’s Symposium: The Platonic Ideal Panel Moderator
SF Signal Mind Meld: SFF Author Comebacks
SF Signal Interview
Monte Cook Games: How to Have Your Best Game Ever
Gamer to Gamer
Ego Check with the Id DM
D&D Podcast: Kids and Stories
The Tome Show: Round Table
RPG Gamer Dad: D&D, Story, and Gaming
The Tome Show: Year in Review 2014

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